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Code: LAW
School: New York University School of Law

Course NameCourse CodeDepartments Taught In
Accounting for LawyersNALAW
Administrative and Regulatory StateN/ALAW
Administrative ProcessNALAW
Administrative Process: Writing CreditNALAW
Advanced Constitutional Law SeminarNALAW
Advanced Constitutional Law Seminar Writing CreditNALAW
Advanced Corporate Tax ProblemsNALAW
Advanced Corporate Tax Problems InternationalNALAW
Advanced Corporate Tax Problems International Writing CreditNALAW
Advanced Immigrant Rights ClinicNALAW
Advanced Immigrant Rights Clinic SeminarNALAW
Advanced Mediation ClinicNALAW
Advanced Mediation Clinic SeminarNALAW
Advanced Partnership TaxationNALAW
Advanced Topics in Art LawNALAW
Advanced Topics in Art Law Writing CreditNALAW
Advanced Topics in the Law of the WorkplaceNALAW
Advanced TrademarksNALAW
Allocating Authority for Biomedical DecisionsNALAW
Alternative Dispute ResolutionNALAW
American Legal HistoryNALAW
Animal Law SeminarNALAW
Animal Law Seminar Writing CreditNALAW
Anthropology of Human RightsNALAW
Anthropology of Human Rights Writing CreditNALAW
Antitrust and Intellectual PropertyNALAW
Antitrust and Intellectual Property Writing CreditNALAW
Antitrust Issues in the Distribution of Goods and ServicesNALAW
Antitrust LawNALAW
Antitrust Law and EconomicsNALAW
Antitrust Law and Economics Writing CreditNALAW
Asian American JurisprudenceNALAW
Asian American Jurisprudence Writing CreditNALAW
Banking Law and RegulationNALAW
Bankruptcy ReorganizationsNALAW
Bankruptcy TaxNALAW
Brennan Center Public Policy Advocacy ClinicNALAW
Brennan Center Public Policy Advocacy Clinic SeminarNALAW
Capital Defender Clinic - AlabamaNALAW
Capital Defender Clinic Seminar - AlabamaNALAW
Capital Defender New York ClinicNALAW
Capital Defender New York Clinic SeminarNALAW
Capital Punishment Law and LitigationNALAW
Case Studies in Transitional JusticeNALAW
Child, Parent and StateNALAW
Child, Parent and State Writing CreditNALAW
Children's Rights ClinicNALAW
Children's Rights Clinic SeminarNALAW
Children's Rights in International LawNALAW
Children's Rights in International Law Writing CreditNALAW
Chinese Attitudes Toward International LawNALAW
Chinese Attitudes Toward International Law Writing CreditNALAW
Church and StateNALAW
Civil Procedure IN/ALAW
Civil Procedure IIN/ALAW
Civil Rights ClinicNALAW
Civil Rights Clinic SeminarNALAW
Civil Rights Clinic Seminar: semester-longNALAW
Civil Rights Clinic: semester-longNALAW
Civil Rights Clinic:semester-longNALAW
Civil Tax Controversies and LitigationNALAW
Colloquium in Legal, Political and Social Philosophy and SeminarNALAW
Colloquium on Economic Analysis of LawNALAW
Colloquium on Innovation PolicyNALAW
Colloquium on Innovation Policy Writing CreditNALAW
Colloquium on Law, Economics and PoliticsNALAW
Colloquium on Law, Economics and Politics Writing CreditNALAW
Colloquium on The Law, Economics and Politics of Urban AffairsNALAW
Community Development LawNALAW
Comparative Constitutional AdjudicationNALAW
Comparative Constitutional Adjudication Writing CreditNALAW
Comparative Constitutional LawNALAW
Comparative Constitutional Law Writing CreditNALAW
Comparative Constitutional Law: The South African ExperienceNALAW
Comparative Corporate GovernanceNALAW
Comparative LawNALAW
Comparative Law: The Civil Law TraditionNALAW
Comparative TrademarksNALAW
Complex Federal InvestigationsNALAW
Conflict of Laws: Private International LawNALAW
Constitutional LawNALAW
Constitutional Law (for 1L only)NALAW
Constitutional Law ColloquiumNALAW
Constitutional Law Colloquium Writing CreditNALAW
Constitutional Law of Europe: The EU, its Member States and the ECHRNALAW
Constitutional Law of the United NationsNALAW
Constitutional Law of the United Nations Writing CreditNALAW
Constitutional Law Writing CreditNALAW
Constitutional LitigationNALAW
Contract Theory SeminarNALAW
Contract Theory Writing CreditNALAW
Contracts for International LL.M. StudentsNALAW
Contracts IIN/ALAW
Copyright LawNALAW
Copyright Law INALAW
Corporate BondsNALAW
Corporate FinanceNALAW
Corporate GovernanceNALAW
Corporate Governance Writing CreditNALAW
Corporate Law: Policy Analysis Colloquium (JD)NALAW
Corporate Law: Policy Analysis Colloquium (LLM)NALAW
Corporate Law: Policy Analysis Colloquium Writing CreditNALAW
Corporate Tax INALAW
Corporate Tax I & IINALAW
Corporate Tax IINALAW
Corporations (for 1L only)NALAW
Corporations for Corporate LL.M.sNALAW
Corporations for International LL.M StudentsNALAW
Corruption & Corruption ControlNALAW
Corruption & Corruption Control Writing CreditNALAW
Criminal and Community Defense ClinicNALAW
Criminal and Community Defense Clinic SeminarNALAW
Criminal Appellate Defender ClinicNALAW
Criminal Appellate Defender Clinic SeminarNALAW
Criminal LawNALAW
Criminal LitigationNALAW
Criminal ProcedureNALAW
Criminal Procedure: Police InvestigationsNALAW
Current Issues in Immigrants' RightsNALAW
Digital Copyright LawNALAW
Doctor-Patient, Lawyer-Client: The Nature of Professional RelationshipsNALAW
Economic Analysis of Health Care LawNALAW
Economic Analysis of LawNALAW
Education LawNALAW
Education Law Writing CreditNALAW
Employee Pension and Health Benefits LawNALAW
Employee Pension and Health Benefits Law Writing CreditNALAW
Employment and Housing Discrimination ClinicNALAW
Employment and Housing Discrimination Clinic SeminarNALAW
Employment Discrimination LawNALAW
Employment LawNALAW
Entertainment LawNALAW
Environmental LawNALAW
Environmental Law ClinicNALAW
Environmental Law Clinic SeminarNALAW
Environmental Law SeminarNALAW
Environmental Law Seminar Writing CreditNALAW
Environmental Values, Policy and the LawNALAW
Estate and Gift TaxationNALAW
Estate PlanningNALAW
European Competition PolicyNALAW
European Union: The Law of the Internal MarketNALAW
Evidence and Professional ResponsibilityNALAW
Family Defense ClinicNALAW
Family Defense Clinic SeminarNALAW
Family LawNALAW
Family Law Writing CreditNALAW
Federal Courts and the Appellate ProcessNALAW
Federal Courts and the Federal SystemNALAW
Federal Criminal LawNALAW
Federal Defender ClinicNALAW
Federal Defender Clinic SeminarNALAW
Federal Defender Clinic Seminar:semester-longNALAW
Federal Defender Clinic:semester-longNALAW
Feminist JurisprudenceNALAW
Financial Instruments and the Capital MarketsNALAW
Financial Instruments and the Capital Markets Writing CreditNALAW
Financing DevelopmentNALAW
Financing Development Writing CreditNALAW
First Amendment Rights of Expression and AssociationNALAW
Gender Issues in Islamic LawNALAW
Generation-Skipping Transfer TaxNALAW
Government Civil Litigation Clinic - Eastern DistrictNALAW
Government Civil Litigation Clinic - Southern DistrictNALAW
Government Civil Litigation Clinic Seminar - Eastern DistrictNALAW
Government Civil Litigation Clinic Seminar - Southern DistrictNALAW
Green Building SeminarNALAW
Green Building Seminar Writing CreditNALAW
Hauser Colloquium on Globalization and its DiscontentsNALAW
Hauser Colloquium on Globalization and its Discontents: Writing CreditNALAW
Hays Program SeminarNALAW
History and Theory of International LawNALAW
History and Theory of International Law Writing CreditNALAW
Human and Constitutional Rights in EuropeNALAW
Human and Constitutional Rights in Europe Writng CreditNALAW
Human Rights Advocacy for JDsNALAW
Human Rights Advocacy for LL.M.sNALAW
Immigrant Defense ClinicNALAW
Immigrant Defense Clinic SeminarNALAW
Immigrant Rights ClinicNALAW
Immigrant Rights Clinic SeminarNALAW
Immigration LawNALAW
Income TaxationNALAW
Income Taxation (for 1L only)NALAW
Income Taxation of Trusts & Estates IINALAW
Income Taxation of Trusts and Estates INALAW
Institute for Internatinoal Law and Justice Colloquium Writing CreditNALAW
Institute for International Law and Justice ColloquiumNALAW
Institute for International Law and Justice Scholars SeminarNALAW
Insurance LawNALAW
Intelligence Gathering and Law Enforcement Post 9/11NALAW
Intelligence Gathering and Law Enforcement Post 9/11 Writing CreditNALAW
International and Comparative Competition PolicyNALAW
International and Regional Trade Law: The Law of the WTO and NAFTANALAW
International ArbitrationNALAW
International Commercial ArbitrationNALAW
International Economic Transactions: International Trade and InvestmentNALAW
International Enviromental LawNALAW
International Environmental Law ClinicNALAW
International Environmental Law Writing CreditNALAW
International Estate PlanningNALAW
International Human RightsNALAW
International Human Rights ClinicNALAW
International Human Rights Clinic SeminarNALAW
International Intellectual Property LawNALAW
International LawNALAW
International Law (for 1L only)NALAW
International Law and PoliticsNALAW
International Law Thesis for LL.M. in International Legal StudiesNALAW
International Tax INALAW
International Tax I and IINALAW
International Tax IINALAW
International Tax IIINALAW
International Tax PolicyNALAW
Introduction to Ethical TheoryNALAW
Introduction to Legal PhilosophyNALAW
Introduction to Political PhilosophyNALAW
Introduction to U.S. LawNALAW
Judicial Biographies and OpinionsNALAW
Juvenile Defender ClinicNALAW
Juvenile Defender Clinic SeminarNALAW
Juvenile JusticeNALAW
Key Readings in Information Law and PolicyNALAW
Labor LawNALAW
Land Use RegulationNALAW
Land Use, Housing and Community Development in New York CityNALAW
Latin American Problems and Latin American LawNALAW
Latin American Problems and Latin American Law Writing CreditNALAW
Law & Society in China: Criminal Justice and Related ProcessesNALAW
Law & Society in China: Criminal Justice and Related Processes Writing CreditNALAW
Law and Business of Investment BankingNALAW
Law and DevelopmentNALAW
Law and LiteratureNALAW
Law and Security ColloquiumNALAW
Law and Security Colloquium Writing CreditNALAW
Law and Social PolicyNALAW
Law and Social Policy Writing CreditNALAW
Law and Society in China: An IntroductionNALAW
Law and Society in China: An Introduction - Writing CreditNALAW
Law of Nonprofit OrganizationsNALAW
Law of War and International Criminal CourtsNALAW
Law of War and International Criminal Courts Writing CreditNALAW
Law's Authority: Democracy, Revolutions, and CoupsNALAW
Law's Authority: Democracy, Revolutions, and Coups Writing CreditNALAW
Law, Culture and PowerNALAW
Law, Culture and Power: Writing CreditNALAW
Lawyering Theory Colloquium - Crime and Punishment, Vengence and ForgivenessNALAW
Lawyering Theory Colloquium - Crime and Punishment, Vengence and Forgiveness: Writing CreditNALAW
Lawyering Theory Colloquium - Multi-Disciplinary MethodsNALAW
Legal Anthropology: How Culture Affects LawNALAW
Legal History ColloquiumNALAW
Legal History Colloquium Writing CreditNALAW
Legal Punishment & RepentanceNALAW
Legal ScholarshipNALAW
Legal Scholarship Writing CreditNALAW
Local Government LawNALAW
Maimonides Mishneh Torah: Jewish Law and Legal TheoryNALAW
Maimonides Mishneh Torah: Jewish Law and Legal Theory Writing CreditNALAW
Mediation ClinicNALAW
Mediation Clinic SeminarNALAW
Medical-Legal Advocacy ClinicNALAW
Medical-Legal Advocacy Clinic SeminarNALAW
Mental Disability LawNALAW
Mergers and AcquisitionsNALAW
Modern Legal Philosophy: The BooksNALAW
Modern Legal Philosophy: The Books Writing CreditNALAW
Multistate Taxation in the New Millennium INALAW
Multistate Taxation in the New Millennium IINALAW
Negotiating Complex Deals in Corporate RestructuringsNALAW
Negotiation WorkshopNALAW
Offender Reentry ClinicNALAW
Offender Reentry Clinic SeminarNALAW
Organized Crime ControlNALAW
Organized Crime Control Writing CreditNALAW
Partnership TaxationNALAW
Partnership Taxation INALAW
Partnership Taxation IINALAW
Patent LawNALAW
Patent Law IINALAW
Police, Law and Society: Issues in Democratic PolicingNALAW
Police, Law and Society: Issues in Democratic Policing Writing CreditNALAW
Presidential Powers, War, and Foreign AffairsNALAW
Privacy, Publication, PublicityNALAW
Problems of a Free PressNALAW
Problems of a Free Press: Writing CreditNALAW
Professional Responsibility and the Regulation of LawyersNALAW
Professional Responsibility in Law and BusinessNALAW
Professional Responsibility in the Public InterestNALAW
Professional Responsibility: Ethics in Criminal AdvocacyNALAW
Property (for 1L only)NALAW
Property for 2Ls ONLYNALAW
Property Rights in Changing SocietiesNALAW
Property Rights in Changing Societies Writing CreditNALAW
Prosecution Clinic - Eastern DistrictNALAW
Prosecution Clinic - Eastern District New YorkNALAW
Prosecution Clinic - Southern DistrictNALAW
Prosecution Clinic - Southern District of New YorkNALAW
Prosecution Clinic Seminar - Eastern DistrictNALAW
Prosecution Clinic Seminar - Eastern District New YorkNALAW
Prosecution Clinic Seminar - Southern DistrictNALAW
Prosecution Clinic Seminar - Southern District of New YorkNALAW
Public Economics for LawyersNALAW
Public Interest Environmental Law PracticeNALAW
Quantitative MethodsNALAW
Quantitative Methods Writing CreditNALAW
Race and Legal ScholarshipNALAW
Race and Legal Scholarship Writing CreditNALAW
Race and the Law: U.S. & South Africa Writing CreditNALAW
Race and the Law: U.S. and South AfricaNALAW
Race, Poverty and Criminal JusticeNALAW
Race, Values and the American Legal ProcessNALAW
Race, Values snd the American Legal Process Writing CreditNALAW
Real Estate DealsNALAW
Real Estate TransactionsNALAW
Recourse to Force in International LawNALAW
Recourse to Force in International Law Writing CreditNALAW
Regulatory CompetitionNALAW
Restructuring Firms and IndustriesNALAW
Rule of LawNALAW
Secured TransactionsNALAW
Securities Regulation in EuropeNALAW
Securities Regulation: Offerings, Registration, Exemptions and DisclosuresNALAW
Selected Issues in Immigration Law and PolicyNALAW
Settling International Business Disputes with ChinaNALAW
Settling International Business Disputes with China Writing CreditNALAW
Sex Discrimination LawNALAW
Sex Discrimination Law Writing CreditNALAW
Sexuality and the LawNALAW
Sexuality and the Law Writing CreditNALAW
Sexuality, Voice and ResistanceNALAW
Sexuality, Voice and Resistance. Writing CreditNALAW
Sociolegal SeminarNALAW
Sociolegal Seminar Writing CreditNALAW
Sports and the LawNALAW
Sports and the Law Writing CreditNALAW
State, Law and Politics in SocietyNALAW
State, Law and Politics in Society Writing CreditNALAW
Survey of Copyright, Patent, and Trademark LawNALAW
Survey of International TaxNALAW
Survey of Securities RegulationNALAW
Survey of Tax ProcedureNALAW
Tax and Social Policy SeminarNALAW
Tax and Social Policy Seminar Writing CreditNALAW
Tax Aspects of Charitable GivingNALAW
Tax Penalties and ProsecutionsNALAW
Tax PolicyNALAW
Tax Policy and Public Finance ColloquiumNALAW
Tax Policy Writing CreditNALAW
Tax Policy: European UnionNALAW
Tax ProcedureNALAW
Tax TreatiesNALAW
Tax-exempt OrganizationsNALAW
Taxation of Affiliated CorporationsNALAW
Taxation of Business ConduitsNALAW
Taxation of Executive CompensationNALAW
Taxation of Financial InstrumentsNALAW
Taxation of International Business TransactionsNALAW
Taxation of Mergers and AcquisitionsNALAW
Taxation of Private Equity TransactionsNALAW
Taxation of Property Transactions INALAW
Taxation of Property Transactions I & IINALAW
Taxation of Property Transactions IINALAW
Taxation of Sub-chapter S CorporationsNALAW
The Administrative and Regulatory State (for 1L only)NALAW
The Administrative and Regulatory State for Transfer Students and LLMsNALAW
The Art of Appellate DecisionmakingNALAW
The Foreign Tax CreditNALAW
The Guilty Plea SystemNALAW
The Guilty Plea System Writing CreditNALAW
The Jean Monnet Seminar - International Economic Law and Justice: Advanced Issues in the Law and Policy of the EU, NAFTA and the WTONALAW
The Jean Monnet Seminar - International Economic Law and Justice: Advanced Issues in the Law and Policy of the EU, NAFTA and the WTO Writing CreditNALAW
The Law of DemocracyNALAW
The Law of the Welfare StateNALAW
The Passion of the Christ: The Trial of JesusNALAW
The Passion of the Christ: The Trial of Jesus Writing CreditNALAW
The Regulation of ViceNALAW
The Regulation of Vice Writing CreditNALAW
The Scope of Labor LawNALAW
The Scope of Labor Law Writing CreditNALAW
The Social Scientific Study of Legal InstitutionsNALAW
The Social Scientific Study of Legal Institutions Writing CreditNALAW
Timing Issues and the Income TaxNALAW
Topics in Corporate and Securities LawNALAW
Topics in Corporate and Securities Law Writing CreditNALAW
Topics in E-CommerceNALAW
Torts: Products LiabilityNALAW
Trade, Investment and Sustainable DevelopmentNALAW
Trade, Investment, and Sustainable Development Writing CreditNALAW
Trademark LawNALAW
Transfer PricingNALAW
Transitional Justice in Times of TransitionNALAW
Transitional Justice in Times of Transition: Writing CreditNALAW
Trial AdvocacyNALAW
Trial and Appellate AdvocacyNALAW
Trusts and EstatesNALAW
U.S. Legal MethodologyNALAW
Venture CapitalNALAW
War, Crime and Terror: Legal and Moral Dimensions of the Counter-Terrorism Efforts of the US and other CountriesNALAW
War, Crime and Terror: Legal and Moral Dimensions of the Counter-Terrorism Efforts of the US and other countries Writing CreditNALAW
What Do We Owe Future Generations?NALAW
What Do We Owe Future Generations? Writing CreditNALAW
Number of Courses: 412
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